Saturday, 16 December 2006


It's 5.49am according to the computer. Well I’m not opening the curtains, because I know the world doesn’t actually exist until at least 7.00am.

I cannot imagine anything more soul destroying than seeing the big sign on the door to the universe "Sorry Closed Till 7.00".

The wife and the four little ones are away with the fairies, so it’s just me and you, two souls floating in the detritus of time separated by a few electrons and a void of understanding so vast it's frightening.

Me by Day I'm a section manager for a manufacturing firm, well I use the term manufacturing lightly as most of our products are made in China.

I run a team of highly trained primates employed on the time and tested principle of paying peanuts and getting monkeys.

If the company was a ship we would be able to classify it legally as a submarine, what with the festival of life running the show and the Chinese skill for a complete lack of basic engineering principles and practices.

We supply them with a drawing, to them a mere suggestion of what the thing could possibily look like if made by a firm of engineers, one of the million possible things they may supply to us in return.

It's not insomnia that keeps me awake it’s the thought of opening the next container and finding a complete set of life sized Power Rangers instead of the Parts we sent drawings for. Don't worry I hear the cries from senior management we can convert the Red Ranger into Parts A1 through C32.

If only we could convert the Blue Ranger into senior management with a thin hold on the engineering principles of business I could stay asleep until The Universe opened its doors to the World.

The Little ones are waking now from the slumber of the ignorant, thankfully isolated from the madness of the World for a few years more.

Armageddon is about to ensue, as four tiny tearaways battle for supremacy of the TV remote.

Bye for now


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